The real scoop on deep cleaning myths by North Shore Carpets

The real scoop on deep cleaning myths by North Shore Carpets

Do you have that feeling where the carpet is silently judging you as you binge-watch TV on the couch? Where deep cleaning in relation to carpet cleaning north shore houses is concerned, many seem to think it’s shrouded in mystery-a decidedly very complicated rite that can only be conducted by the so-called carpet connoisseur. Well, let’s cut the fog and dispel some of those myths that have clung on, just as determinedly as that grape juice stain from the last Thanksgiving.

Some really do believe that, with enough time between cleanings, some sort of varnish-like protection develops on your carpet. The carpet’s immune system-what a brilliant concept! The only thing allowing dust and mystery crumbs to accumulate just so happens to be a cause for deterioration. Much like how a weed-ridden garden smothers your blooming flowers, so neglect allows soil and allergens to dig deep over time.

And then there’s the eternal view that all carpet cleaners are the same. Try to imagine anyone uttering such an asinine thing as that all pizzas taste the same. Nope, just not true. Some cleaning services just superficially skim the surface, giving you a surface clean that’s all shine and no substance. That’s putting the rug on top of a messy floor-you can’t see it, but you know it lurks there.

The next myth is that when a carpet has faded or torn, it’s down and out. Think again! Carpets are as resilient as a cat with nine lives. A few dyes and some fixing techniques give your tired old floor mat its kick once again, making it a belle of the ball.

You’ll hear it chattered that frequent vacuuming is redundant. “Oh, just let it gather character,” they say. In fact, regular vacuuming is like flossing your teeth. Skip it too often and you’ll pay the piper with a dentist’s bill-or in this case, costly carpet replacement fees.

Carpet Care Specialists Mosman
50 Yeo St, Neutral Bay, NSW, 2089
(02) 8311 3724

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