Combi Oven: Optional Features and Safety

You can use steam, convection, or a mixture of the two cooking techniques with a combi oven. When food is being cooked professionally, a combi can take the role of both a steamer and a convection oven, saving time, space, and money. In this post, we’ll go through the features of a Cook More with One Combi Oven so you can understand how they could boost output while lowering labor expenses.

Numerous simple technical advancements that enhance the overall user and consumer experiences are standard on many more recent combi ovens.

Controlling Grease
The management of grease buildup in kitchens where a lot of protein is prepared requires a specific method. The extra grease from some ovens is fed into a canister by pumps, where it is later recycled.

Hood Systems without Vents
In order to comply with rules and regulations, many ovens need a vented hood. However, some more recent combi ovens have ventless hoods, which further expand your options by allowing them to be installed wherever in the kitchen.

Enhancements Based on Food
Additional controls for browning food can be operated in ovens to give it color. In order to create realism, they can also serve as smokers when using actual wood chips.

UPC Code Scanners
Some ovens have integrated software that can read UPC codes from products and cross-reference them with stored cooking instructions to automatically set parameters.

Combi ovens produce steam, hence they normally need an exhaust hood in accordance with the law. Check your local codes to find out the criteria and to grasp precisely what you may or may not need. Common exhaust ducting is acceptable in some places, while fire-rated grease ducting is another, more complex, and more expensive option. Additionally, since the requirements for various models can differ, you should examine the specifications for each device you plan to buy.

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